How can you better your best? Even though you may have achieved so much in life already, and you’re quite comfortable….you never lose the desire to improve.  There are also times when we get tired, and rest we must, but the tragedy is not in doing nothing.  The tragedy is becoming complacent.  Not motivated or passionate about anything, but going through the motions as you surf the tame waves of the status quo.  How can you maintain that desire to achieve your goals, then get excited about setting NEW ONES!?!

I have three tips that you can take away that can help you on your way to achieving another level of success.

1. Rediscover Your WHY: envision what motivated you to set the goal in the first place? It’s not enough just want something, the magic happens when you’re clear on WHY you want it. When tough moments and challenges arise, knowing you reasons why you’re do this it will help you get back on track again.

2. Challenge Yourself: I’m not asking you to  set a goal. However, challenge yourself to change your daily rouitne, challenge your thinking by reading a book or article that introduces a new mindset or can improve your expertiese.   The mind-set and the knowledge that got you to where you are is not going to be the mind-set and knowledge that is going to take you to where you want to be.

3. CLAIM Your Stat Power!: Success is no accident.  We often need to be reminded of how fabulous we are!  Hey, even Muhammad Ali had a corner hype man!  There’s no better qualified person to affirm you more than YOU!!  You’ve paid the price for success before and you have what it takes!  Affirmations?  Yes.  Place one of your chosing on your smart phone as a reminder to yourself at the same time everyday….AND READ IT ALLOWED!  Look at reflection in the mirror and say to yourself I AM!  AN EVERYDAY SUPERSTAR!!